Get In Touch With Us Practice Location: 11929 University Blvd, Suite B, Sugar Land, Texas, 77479 Telehealth appointments available. Weekend and evening appointments available. Give Us a Call For general inquiries please call: (281)-829-8431 Please use the information below if you’d like to contact specific clinicians: Dayna (281) 829-8431 Traci (480) 442-8522 Raquel (979) 353-0934 Dominique (346) 702-4048 Lucia (346) 800-2253 Dana (346) 235-7226 Victoria (281) 529-5051 Angela (281) 716-5449 Adrianna (832) 291-2697 Chrystal (281) 750-8595 Request a Free 15-Minute Consultation Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Phone Number *Email *How can we best assist you (Choose as many as you need)Depression and/or AnxietyTrauma From PastChild / Adolescent IssuesFeeling OverwhelmedCoping / AdjustmentGrief / BereavementEMDRKetamine TherapyMedical Illness (you)Medial Illness (someone else)Divorce / RelationshipsLife Transitions (job, move, kids)Other (specify in message)Preferred TherapistDaynaTraciRaquelDanaGerardoLuciaAngelaAdriannaChrystalOpen to person best fitting my needsMultiple Choice *United HealthcareBlue Cross Blue ShieldCignaAetnaHumanaTraditional MedicareOther Medicare AdvantageSelf PayOtherPlease tell us how we can assist youSubmit