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The Challenge of Hope

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I was listening to a podcast and there was a discussion of hope in the context of relationships. 

The point was that when we are faced with a relationship challenge, we have to

balance hope with truth.  

We hope that the issues we are having with our spouse or partner will get better!

We hope the feelings of love and commitment we have invested in the relationship will endure through the struggle. 

We hope the depression, anger and anxiety will lessen and we will find room for joy with our partner.

We hope that in individual and couples counseling we will find the strength to endure and resolve the “chill” or anger.

What do we do when the truth emerges that perhaps the relationship does not have a future?  What happens to the thing we were hoping for?

The Key?

Shift our focus to look for hope in the mirror…

We have the strength to get better by finding…

Our own path to happiness

Our own path to healing

Our own path to discovering  meaning

In that mirror we can find completeness  and the light of truth.

Hope doesn’t go away – it just shape shifts into something new.

i hope you find someone who always chooses you,

and if you don’t

i hope you always choose yourself

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